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**Please note that this program depends on timely tuition payments in order to fund the various areas of a production. As such, there will be no refunds issued once tuition is paid, and each registered performer will be required to pay his/her full tuition in the event of withdrawal.

**Tuition payments that bounce / cannot otherwise be processed will be subject to a $35 rejected payment fee.

**Due to the collaborative nature of this production program, and the culmination of over 65 hours' work by our performers and staff culminating in a full virtual production, attendance is very important for each and every performer. We understand that sickness may occur, but we kindly ask that all performers do their best to attend every required rehearsal, and to please schedule other activities outside of the normal rehearsal hours. Please keep in mind that even one absent performer will affect the entire cast of the production. In the instance that a performer must miss an excessive amount of rehearsals please note that it may become necessary to remove him/her from certain numbers in the production.
** We feel it is important to inform all of our families that we here at KPA will not pre-cast any roles for our production. We believe in giving every performer a fair chance to audition for featured roles and we will not promise any individual a specific role in the show. This applies to former and current KPA students, associates/relatives of the KPA staff, as well as any performer who chooses to take part in our Coaching program in order to prepare for the auditions.
** We also feel it is important to address the subject of casting. The employees and staff of KPA are dedicated to educating all students who pass through our doors in the subject of performing arts. This education does not guarantee a specific role to anyone who registers/auditions and it is understood that our creative team will make casting decisions based on what is best for the production as a whole. We cannot promise your performer will receive the role they desire, but we can promise ample stage time for every performer as well as a high quality performing arts education experience.
**My digital signature (FULL NAME) below indicates I have read and agree with these policies.


* Masks must be worn during all in-person rehearsals and may also be required for in-person performances. Please send an extra mask with every individual performer for each in-person rehearsal. 
* KPA will continue to follow CDC and WA State guidance regarding COVID policies. Due to the developing nature of the COVID variants, we may move to solely online rehearsals for a period of time if we feel this is the safest choice. Conversely, we may also hold more in person rehearsals for a period of time if we feel it is safe to do so. 
* If a performer shows symptoms of COVID-19 please DO NOT send them to in-person rehearsal. Please contact our office by phone as soon as symptoms appear and we will work with you to figure out an online option for your family, provided that the performer is well enough to attend.
* If your performer is discovered to have been in close contact (within six feet for 15 cumulative minutes over a 24 hour period) with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, please contact our office by phone immediately.
* Any student, parent, sibling, or other party who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 10 days, or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test will not be permitted on site until a negative test result is confirmed.
* AS A RULE - We would prefer that everyone exercise great caution with regards to the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. We encourage all KPA families to over-communicate any concerns regarding these signs and symptoms as opposed to lack of communication.


All families who register for this program must sign the following waivers. A digital signature is required for each waiver, as well as our policies, upon registration.

In the instance that my performer(s) is in need of emergency care during rehearsal, I hereby give permission to the staff of Kettleworks Performing Arts to call an ambulance or seek other emergency care if deemed necessary. I agree to hold harmless the employees and volunteers of Kettleworks Performing Arts in any events arising from emergency care received by my child(ren). I further agree to hold harmless any doctors or medical staff who must administer emergency care to my child(ren).


I hereby authorize Kettleworks Performing Arts (hereafter referred to as KPA) to use photos of my child(ren) on marketing materials, Facebook, Instagram, and the website belonging to KPA. I further give permission for KPA to use photos of myself on these same platforms. By signing below, I understand that these photos are owned by KPA and may be used in future marketing materials. I understand that some rehearsals will be conducted virtually via Zoom, FaceTime, or other online avenues. I further understand that this means my performer(s) will be on video with the director(s) each week and that some of the rehearsals may be recorded for education and/or promotional purposes. Photos or screenshots of these rehearsals may also be taken of these rehearsals for promotional purposes. By signing below (FULL NAME) I acknowledge that KPA has my permission to meet with my child(ren) virtually and that I am granting permission for my performer(s) to be recorded and/or photographed within the parameters of rehearsals (both online and in person), and/or a scheduled photo shoot. I understand that KPA will ONLY use these photos/videos for educational and business promotional purposes and that KPA employees are NOT permitted to use these materials for personal reasons, other than to text or email myself/my performer(s) if requested by a parent/guardian. I attest that I am the parent/legal guardian of the child(ren) listed on this form and I have full authority to give video/photographic consent at this time.


I understand that this program is of a physical nature involving dancing and various other movement styles, therefore risk of injury is inherent to this program. I further understand that the employees and volunteers of Kettleworks Performing Arts will do everything in their power to minimize risk to my performer(s), but that on occasion injuries or accidents do occur, sometimes of a serious nature. I agree to hold harmless the employees, staff, and volunteers of Kettleworks Performing Arts in the instance of accident, injury, or incident. I further agree that I, the parent/guardian, assume the risk of the above and agree not to sue Kettleworks Performing Arts if such an incident should occur.


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